Tuesday 12th - Saturday 16th December 2023
Evening performance
Saturday matinee
Sweet Charity follows the romantic trials and tribulations of Charity Hope Valentine, “a girl who wanted to be loved.” Charity is a taxi dancer, a dance partner-for-hire at a seedy dance hall in New York City. Though the job may be decidedly undesirable, Charity’s hopeful romanticism and unfailing optimism lift her out of her circumstances and help her reach for a life beyond. In the past, she’s been strung along and hung out to dry by a series of bad relationships and lousier men. When she meets Oscar, a neurotic, shy actuary seemingly from another world, will she finally find true love at last?
One of the most famous shows by legendary director/choreographer Bob Fosse and with a laugh-a-minute script by the incomparable Neil Simon, every audience is destined to fall in love with Charity’s limitless spirit, as she lives life “hopefully ever after.”
Including classic songs such as; Hey Big Spender, Rich Man’s Frug, If My Friends Could See Me Now, There’s Gotta Be Something Better Than This, Rhythm of Life and more.
Evening performance
Saturday matinee
Chatsworth Arts Centre, Westgate, Long Eaton, Derbyshire, NG10 1EF